Crambus saltuellus
Family Crambidae, subfamily Crambinae
Photograph copyright by Tony Leukering
Photograph copyright by Tony Leukering
31 May 2012
near Whitesboro
CMMP block S07
Distribution map
Distribution map
The grass-veneers are a difficult group of micro-lepidoptera (microleps), which, themselves, form a difficult group of moths. Microleps are the Empidonax or peeps or gulls of the mothing world, with quite a few moth enthusiasts giving them short shrift or ignoring them altogether. It might have been expected that I find at least some of them -- particularly the grass-veneers -- enticing. The genus Crambus is the type genus of the Crambidae, a surprisingly varied group of very small moths. The 97 species of Crambid illustrated in Beadle and Leckie (see first post on this blog) range in size from 4 mm to 38 mm in length, with most under 15 mm. Just so you know, there are 25.4 mm in an inch.